Last Update: 03-Apr-2024
Name: | Heinrich Göbl | |
Address: |
Simsseestr. 427
Stephanskirchen, D 83071 |
Telephone: | (please use mail) | |
E-Mail: | | |
Internet: |
Date of birth: | 1969 | |
Experience with IT since: | 1993 | |
Qualifications: |
Languages: | English, Spanish | |
Key Skills: | Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, ES6, HTML5, Node, Java, Android, SQL | |
Area of work: | Architecture and project management, analysis and design, mentoring, programming, test, tuning, migration, code supervisor, DevOps |
Platforms: | HTML5-Browser, Node.js, Java 9+, J2EE/JEE, Java EE 5, 6, 7, Android, Spring, Linux, Windows, MacOS, Docker |
Programming Languages: | TypeScript, JavaScript, Java 9+, Kotlin, SQL, XML/XSLT, C/C++ |
Server Software: | Node.js/Express, Loopback, nginx, Micro-Services, Spring Boot, Quarkus, GlassFish, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat, Apache |
Databases: | ORACLE, DB2, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Cosmos DB, JPA 2, Hibernate, JDBC, MS SQL, SQLite, LDAP |
Cloud: | Microsoft Azure, AWS (Amazon Web Services), Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry |
Communication: | HTTP, AJAX, REST Services, OpenAPI, JSON, WebSockets, SOAP Web Services, JMS |
GUI: | Angular 17, Ionic 3, RxJS 6+, HTML5, CSS3, Material, Bootstrap, PrimeNG, Responsive, Android, BMW Density |
Tools: | IntelliJ, XCode, git, Eclipse, vi, Maven, Jenkins, Sonar, GIMP, Inkscape |
Testing: | Jasmine, Jest, Karma, JMeter, soapUI, JUnit, Mockito, Selenium, Wireshark |
Security: | TLS/SSL, OpenId, OIDC, OAuth2, passport.js, JWT, iptables Firewall, OWASP |
Processes: | Scrum, DDD (Domain-Driven Design), LESS, TDD, UML |
01/2024 - 06/2024: | Health Insurance, Bonn/remote, freelance job
Single-Page Web-Application (SPA), Spring Boot Micro-Services
Responsive Design (integrated in a portal), fullstack-development (focused on frontend, UI/UX).
Web component for clerks to manage bonus programs.
Roles: |
Fullstack-Developer, Lead-Developer, UI/UX
Software: |
Backend: Java 17, Spring Boot 3.2, Directus 10.8, REST/JSON, OpenAPI, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Jenkins, Docker, OpenShift
Frontend: Angular 17, TypeScript, RxJS 6+/Signals, SAP Fundamentals, HTML, SCSS/CSS, Jasmine
01/2022 - 12/2023: | Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Single-Page Web-Applications (SPA), Quarkus Micro-Services
Responsive Design (desktop, tablet), fullstack-development (focused on frontend, UI/UX)
Roles: |
Fullstack-Developer, Lead-Developer, UI/UX
Software: |
Backend: Java 17, Quarkus, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, REST/JSON, JAXB, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Wiremock, swagger/OpenAPI, Jenkins, Github Actions, Docker, Kubernetes
Frontend: Angular 13-17, TypeScript, D3.js, RxJS 6+, BMW Density Design System, HTML, CSS, SVG, Jasmine, Selenium, Cypress
11/2019 - 12/2021: | AGENDA Software, Rosenheim, regular employment
Single-Page Web-Applications (SPA) in the enterprise portal
Responsive Design (desktop, tablet, smartphone), fullstack-development, DDD (Domain-Driven Design)
Roles: |
Coding Architect, Lead-Developer
Software: |
Backend: Java 11, JEE 8, GlassFish/Payara, MariaDB, JPA, REST/JSON, JAXB, Maven, JUnit, finAPI, swagger
Frontend: Angular 8-12, TypeScript, RxJS 6+, NGXS 3.6 (~ngrx), immer.js, Bootstrap 4, HTML, CSS, Node.js
03/2019 - 10/2019: | Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Angular Single Page Application (Responsive Design) with REST/JSON backend.
Extranet-application for underwriters: create requests to get answers for medical questions.
Mobile internet-application for physicians and applicants for insurance: respond to medical questions.
Roles: |
Software: |
Angular 7, TypeScript 3.3, RxJS 6, Angular Material 7, Bootstrap 4, Jest, CSS3, SASS, HTML5,
REST/JSON, Swagger, Git, IntelliJ, Microsoft Azure, Cosmos DB, Microsoft DevOps
10/2018 - 02/2019: | Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Intranet application for administration of risk model calculations.
Angular Single Page Application (Responsive Design) with REST/JSON backend.
Roles: |
UX-Design, Development
Software: |
Angular 7, TypeScript 3, RxJS 6, NGXS, Kendo UI, Karma, Jasmine, CSS3, SASS, HTML5, REST/JSON,
Git, IntelliJ, Microsoft Azure, Cosmos DB
07/2018 - 09/2018: | Internet, Munich, freelance job
SPA (Single-Page-App) Web-Application for managing online internet advertisement,
frontend-programming ~75%, REST-API-server and batch-programming ~25%
Roles: |
UX-Design, Lead-Development, Coaching
Software: |
Frontend: Angular 6, TypeScript 2.5, RxJS 6, HTML5, Bootstrap 4 + coreui, CSS3, SASS, karma, Jasmine,
ng2-bootstrap, RxJS
Backend: Strongloop/IBM Loopback 3.0, REST/JSON, MongoDB/MySQL, TypeScript, JavaScript, ES6, Node.js 8, AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Batch: Java 10, Spring, Spring Boot 1.5, JPA, Maven, Google-APIs
Tools: angular-cli, webpack, Swagger, supertest, mocha, git, npm, IntelliJ
02/2018 - 06/2018: | Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Intranet application for research and administration of commission payments.
Angular Single Page Application (Responsive Design) with REST / JSON backend.
Roles: |
UX-Design, Lead-Development, Coaching
Software: |
Angular 5, TypeScript 2.6, RxJS, Angular Material, CSS3, HTML5
Spring 4.3, Spring Boot 1.5, Java 8, JPA 2, Oracle, REST/JSON
Git, Jenkins, IntelliJ, Cloud Foundry, Maven
10/2017 - 01/2018: | Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Migration of 2 SPA (Single-Page-App) Web-Applications from JBoss (JEE, Hibernate) to
Spring Boot (REST, JPA) in PCF Cloud Foundry,
OAuth Authentication, JWT Validation, Cloudification, SSL with Client-Certificates,
Roles: |
Development, Coaching
Software: |
Spring 4.3, Spring Boot 1.5, Java 8, JPA 2, Oracle, DB2,
AngularJS 1.6, JavaScript (ES5), HTML5, CSS3,
Git, Jenkins, IntelliJ, REST/JSON, Cloud Foundry, Maven
11/2016 - 09/2017: | Internet, Munich, freelance job
SPA (Single-Page-App) Web-Application for managing online internet advertisement,
frontend-programming ~75%, REST-API-server and batch-programming ~25%
Roles: |
UX-Design, Lead-Development, Coaching
Software: |
Frontend: Angular 4, TypeScript 2.5, HTML5, Bootstrap 4 + coreui, CSS3, SASS, karma, Jasmine,
ng2-bootstrap, RxJS
Backend: Strongloop/IBM Loopback 3.0, REST/JSON, MongoDB/MySQL, TypeScript, JavaScript, ES6, Node.js 6, AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Batch: Java 8, Spring, Spring Boot 1.5, JPA, Maven, Google-APIs
Tools: angular-cli, webpack, Swagger, supertest, mocha, git, npm, IntelliJ
10/2016: | myWorkouts, Android/HTML5 Hybrid App
App for synchronization of sports activities with sport-portals
Roles: |
Software: |
Angular 2, Ionic 2, TypeScript 2.0, RxJS, Android 4.1 - 7, Java, Cordova Plugin,
HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Material Design, ReST/JSON
Tools: IntelliJ, Android Studio, Gradle, Git, Linux/Mac, Ionic CLI
01/2016 - 09/2016: | Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Web Development "Offer+Contract" Single-Page-Web-Application,
Integration of 5 backend-systems (vehicle configurator, pricing services,
financing services, order/contract-services, stock-vehicles)
Roles: |
Software: |
AngularJS 1.5, TypeScript 1.8, HTML5, CSS3, less, karma, Jasmine
Swagger, ui-router, svn, IntelliJ, Gulp, Node.js, IE10/11, jQuery, Java
06/2015 - 03/2016: | Startup, Munich, freelance job
Hybrid-App "" for iOS and Android,
Single-Page Webapp (Admin-Frontend),
RESTful API Server with Node.js
Roles: |
UX-Design, Development, UI
Software: |
App (iOS, Android): Ionic 1.1, AngularJS 1.4, JavaScript, Cordova 5, ngCordova, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, D3, ui-router, PhysicsJS,
div. Cordova Plugins
Admin-Webapp: AngularJS 1.4, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, less,, REST
Server: Node.js, Express/restify, PostgreSQL 9, Sequelize, lodash, Push (GCM, APN), memcache, Jasmine, bash-Scripts, Digital Ocean Cloud
Tools: git, IntelliJ, XCode, Grunt, Docker, nginx, Ubuntu Server, Jira, Scrum-but
10/2014 - 06/2015: | Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Develop Responsive Webdesign for a vehicle configurator (mobile-first; Phone, Tablet, Desktop;
iOS, Android, Windows Phone); refactoring and optimize code and styles; automate tests
Roles: |
Software: |
AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, less, jQuery, karma, Jasmine
ui-router, ng-animate, git, IntelliJ, Modernizr, Grunt, Node.js, weinre, IScroll, jshint
11/2014: | IT-Consulting, Munich, freelance job
1-Day-Workshop "Advanced AngularJS, Best Practices"
Roles: |
Speaker, Trainer
Software: |
AngularJS 1.3, JavaScript
08/2014 - 09/2014: | Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Preparation of a Push-Server delivering quotes for Web-clients (WebSockets, XHR),
Programming Server and Client, Configuration, Optimization, Load-Testing, Going-Live
Roles: |
Development, DevOps
Software: |
Java 7, Diffusion 5.1 (Push Technology), Jolokia, JMX
JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, Maven, Jenkins, bash, IntelliJ
05/2014 - 07/2014: | Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Construction Loan (for bank employee)
Roles: |
Software: |
Java 6, WebSphere 8, WebSphere Portal 8, DB2, JPA 2, JSF
PrimeFaces, Scrum, Maven, Mockito, JUnit, IntelliJ, JRebel
05/2013 - 02/2014: | AGENDA Software, Rosenheim, regular employment
Single-Page Web-Application (SPA) for salaried employee (high-volume ~1 Mio. users)
Responsive Design, special implementation for smartphone and tablet/desktop, while reusing most of
the code for both versions (MVC-Pattern). Load-testing of REST interface.
Roles: |
Coding Architect, Development
Software: |
Server: Java 7, GlassFish, MySQL, JPA 2, REST, RSA-Verschlüsselung, Maven,
JUnit, JMeter
Desktop/Tablet: Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Backbone.js, Grunt, JSHint, less, CSS3, AngularJS
Mobil: jQuery, jQuery Mobile 1.3, Backbone.js
05/2012 - 02/2014: | AGENDA Software, Rosenheim, regular employment
Platform for Build, Continuous Integration, Code Quality,
Unit- and Integration Testing, Continuous Delivery
Extensions to an Eclipse RAP application for tax consultants
Roles: |
Coding Architect, Development
Software: |
Java 7, GlassFish 3, MySQL 5, JPA 2, REST (Jersey)
Maven, Jenkins, Sonar, Mockito, JUnit 4, flyway, JRebel, FindBugs, PMD,
Checkstyle, artifactory, Eclipse BIRT, IntelliJ
since 2013 (free time): | myWorkouts, Android Fitness App
Native Android App for tracking sports activities. Uses sensors für heart rate, bike cadence,
temperature, geo-location, pressure. Synchronization with own server.
In Google Play and Amazon App-Store since end of 2016
Single-Page-Web application (SPA) with RESTful backend.
Roles: |
Software: |
App: Android 2.3 - 9, SQLite, ANT+, Java 6-8, Kotlin, Google-Play API, Mapsforge, ACRA
Server: Node.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, REST mit Express, JWT (JSON Web Token), OpenID, OAuth2, passport, nginx,
monit/mp2, bunyan, SSL/letsencrypt, Redis
Web: Angular 7, AngularJS 1.5, TypeScript 3.x, D3.js v3 + v4, NVD3, Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Google Maps, Leaflet, OSM
Tools: IntelliJ, R, Android Studio, Grunt, webpack, Gradle, Git, Linux
since 08/2011 (free time): | Open Source Projects,
Several tools and libraries for JavaScript and Java (see my public repositories)
Profile (aka. CV, Resume) generator for IT freelancers (multi-format, multi-language)
Presentation software with smartphone remote control
npm modules: doublemetaphone, entintar, mobile-detect, mobile-usage, mongodb-openvz-crashtest, nerdshow com.goebl:david-webb, com.goebl:simplify
Roles: |
Software: |
JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Express, Socket.IO, JSON, REST
Java, XML, XLST, XLST-FO, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, Leaflet
jQuery, jQuery Mobile, HTML5, CSS3, Markdown
IntelliJ, Git, Github, Grunt, less, Linux
06/2012: | Java Usergroup Munich, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB (Talk)
Roles: |
Software: |
Node.js, JavaScript,, jshint, MongoDB
02/2012 - 04/2012: | Automotive, Munich, freelance job
BMWi Icebreaker-Team (Co-Working)
Basework for a Multi-Channel, Multi-Language, Multi-Tenant JEE Web/Mobile
Application (Architecture, Build/CI, Testing, Documentation, SCRUM, Tools)
Roles: |
Coding Architect, Development
Software: |
Maven, Jenkins, Sonar, Mockito, JUnit, flyway, IntelliJ, JRebel
05/2011 - 12/2011: | Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Vehicle Configurator Web Application
Further treatment, providing Registration process,
Self-service for users, mail delivery, integration with SSO.
Modularization of JavaScript, optimize performance, Selenium tests
Roles: |
Coding Architect, Web-Development, Nearshore Supervision
Software: |
Server: Java 6, Oracle 11g, GlassFish, EJB 3, JPA, JAX-RS, JAX-WS
Client: JSF 2, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery
Tools: Selenium, Maven, Jenkins, IntelliJ, JUnit, Mockito
02/2011 - 05/2011: | Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Business Services with RESTful API and JavaScript API
Performance Optimization Dealer-Locator,
Extension of RESTful API and JavaScript API for Dealer-Locator and Park-Info,
Extension of RESTful API for User Registration and -Management
Roles: |
Development, Performance Test and Optimization
Software: |
Server: Java 5, Oracle 11g, GlassFish, EJB 3, JPA, JAX-RS, JAXB
Client: JavaScript, jQuery, Google Maps API, JSUnit
Tools: soapUI, curl, FireBug, JSLint, yui-compress, Maven, Jenkins, JUnit, Mockito
02/2010 - 05/2011: | Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Teleservice Switchboard (Telediagnosis, Teleprogramming)
Architecture, Design, Programming, Test, 3rd-Level-Support
Migrating WebLogic 8 to 10, EJB 2.1 to 3.0, Latin1 to UTF-8,
Migration Oracle 10 to 11 with charset ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8,
Infrastructure for Loadtests (Simulation of Vehicle communication),
Code- and Design Reviews and Coaching
Roles: |
Coding Architect, Development, Test
Software: |
Java 5, Oracle 11g, WebLogic 10g, WebSphere MQ, EJB 3, LDAP, JPA, JSF, MyFaces,
ajax4jsf, jQuery, JAX-WS, JAXB, JMS, XSLT, ant, Mockito, PL/SQL, soapUI
since 2010 (free time): | Miscellaneous, (for own usage and friends)
Installation, configuration, maintenance of Linux root servers,,,,,
Roles: |
Development, Administration
Software: |
Debian GNU/Linux, Apache2, PHP, MySQL, iptables, AutoMySQLBackup, rsync, rsnapshot,
VirtualBox, rkhunter, fail2ban, denyhosts, Postfix, SpamAssassin, Amavis, Roundcube, OpenSSL,
DokuWiki, WordPress, Joomla!, Bootstrap 3, less, Grunt,, metalsmith, Node.js, Handlebars, Git, IntelliJ, vi
11/2008 - 11/2009: | Telecommunication, Munich, freelance job
WebService-Interface to German Telekom (BL-W v16.0 ADSA)
WebService-Interface to German Telekom (WITA 2.0)
Administration frontend (Wicket Web-Application)
Roles: |
Coding Architect, Development, Test
Software: |
Java 5, Tomcat 5, Spring 2, Spring-WS, Hibernate, JAXB,
JUnit, WS-Security, ant, XML/XSLT, DB2, RSA
11/2006 - 07/2008: | Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Development of a Multi-Channel-Application (Swing, HTML, WebServices) for Credit Card Management.
Connectivity to Legacy COBOL Application on IMS-DB;
Migration to DB2 and Java. XML-Schema-Design.
Roles: |
Project Management, Development
Software: |
J2EE, Java, Apache Tomcat, Solaris, WebServices, Axis2
DB2, JDBC, XML/XSLT, LDAP, Apache JMeter, Ant, cruisecontrol,
WSDL, XSD, Rational Software Architect, Eclipse, CVS, SVN, findbugs
01/2005 - 11/2006: | Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Information Portal for >100.000 User (Cluster with 36 Instanzen)
Embedding of Notes Databases, LDAP Integration, Portlet-Programming,
Load- and Performancetests, Themes & Skins
Roles: |
Architecture, Development, Project Management
Software: |
J2EE, Java, WebSphere Portal 5, JSP, WebSphere 5, Solaris
DB2, XML/XSLT, JavaScript, AJAX, LDAP, Apache httpd, Security, SSO,
Spring, Lotus Domino, XML Access, Hibernate, JMeter, Perl,
10/2003 - 07/2004: | Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Web-enabling of a corebanking-system (MBS open) and
integration of various back-end systems.
Roles: |
Architecture, Framework Design, Implementation
Software: |
J2EE, Java, EJB, JSP, HTML, CSS, Apache Struts, IBM WebSphere 5,
Bea WebLogic, DB2, XML/XSLT, SCHUFA SCDI, ant,
07/2001 - 01/2003: | Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Integration und optimization of a systems which provides config
management, software packaging and distribution for 40.000 users
Roles: |
Architecture, Project Management, Development, Test
Software: |
Java, Oracle 8i, Swing, Apache Velocity, XML, JSP, EJB, WebSphere 4